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Phila a July 10 1870
Mr. R. M. Manly
Dear Friend
It has been over two weeks since I wrote thee, and I have heard nothing in reply, and the Check for $70 which thee sent to Fairfields June 19th has also failed to reach me as yet, and I am inclined to think never will. I hope thee stopped the payment of it as I wrote thee to do. Samuel H. Jones promised me $30, $20 of which was included in the check and this is still due me $10 from him and $10 for rent which I wish thee would forward a check for at once and I will wait a little longer to see if the other check will arrive from Fairfields. If it does not arrive will thee renew the check or will I be the loser? I am waiting to leave the City, and do not feel I ought to until these money affairs are definitely arranged. Do let me