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Fort Monroe Va. March 24th 1866.

Chaplain R M Manly
Supt Schools State Va
Richmond Va.

I have the honor to transmit accompanying Report of Inspection of Free Schools for Colored Children &c in City of Portsmouth Va.
In addition to the facts presented therein, I have the honor to state, that I have made it a part of my duty to converse with prominent citizens, and clergyman in Portsmouth concerning the Colored Schools, and have learned that they are gradually working their way, into a feeling of Public respect, formerly not entertained for them. I am confident that the time is not far distant when the Teachers of these Schools will be received as Missionaries Engaged in a noble work, and cordially welcomed by at least the pious and good in the several Communities.
At present the Colored Schools, are the only public schools, now open in the city.
After concluding the visit to the Norfolk School, now in progress I shall beg leave to present a special report, upon the subject of School Houses for the Colored Schools.
This is the great want now. Without them the