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Inspector's Report of Colored Schools in Norfolk City Va March 1866.

National Freedman's Relief Association.

[[6 columned table]]
| Teacher | School | Studies | Discipline | Furniture |  Remarks. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 
| Miss Fisher | 50 Day Pupils | Arith. Geo. Gram. | Good | No desks. (Benches without Backs.  | attendance Regular | 
| Miss Williams | 64 Day Pupils | Arith. Geo. History | Good | No desks. (Benches without Backs.  | Miss Williams is & Colored. |
| Miss Kennedy | 55 Day Pupils | Arith. Geo. History | Good | No desks. (Benches without Backs.  | Schools not graded rigidly, as the teachers preferred to retain their pupils as they advanced in Study, with them. |
| Miss Fales | 50 Day Pupils | Primary | Good | No desks. (Benches without Backs.  |   |
| Miss Hall | 38 Day Pupils | Primary | Good | No desks. (Benches without Backs.  |   |
| Miss Curtiss | 80 Day Pupils | Infant School | Good | No desks. (Benches without Backs.  |   |
| Miss Hoyt | 58 Day Pupils | Primary | Good | No desks. (Benches without Backs.  |   |
| Miss McCorney | Teacher Writing Classes only. |   |   | Tables | An Extra Teacher is here necessary because of inadequate furniture.  

These School, are all taught in the Basement of Methodist Church. The rooms are small, with poor ventilation & crowded to inconvenience. The Teachers are competent, but complain sadly of their want of suitable school rooms and apparatus.
There was no princible difference in the apparent good order and advancement of the School taught by MIss Williams Colored. This teacher was born in N. Carolina, but Educated in Cambridgeport Mass.
An effort is in progress, under the pastor of this Church, Mr Brown, to obtain aid from the North for building a School House.

New England Freedman's Aid Society.

[[6 columned table]]
| Teacher | School | Studies | Discipline | Furniture |  Remarks. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 
| Miss Clark | 58 Day Pupils | Arith. Geog. | Good | No Desks. Benches have backs.  | the advanced schools of this Society. In concert Hall. Glass broken, & Rooms uncomfortable. Taught in Catherine St. Methodist Church. | 
| Mrs Axtell | 52 Day Pupils | Arith. Geog. | Good | No Desks. Benches have backs. |   | 
| Mrs E.P. Smith | 54 Day Pupils | all Primary | Tolerable | Church Pews. |   | 
| Mrs F.E. Ellis | 48 Day Pupils | all Primary | Tolerable | Church Pews. |   | 
| Mrs H.R. Smith | 57 Day Pupils | all Primary | Tolerable | Church Pews. | Mrs Smith and her daughter H.R. Smith have been nearly three years in Norfolk. Their schools do not appear to the best advantage in the  audience Room of this church. The three Schools are in the same room. | 

In this building are also the advanced School of the Am. Miss Assoc. The hours for study and reciss of the Schools of the two Societies vary. and much confusion results. The grade of the School much below advanced School of Am. MIss. Asso'c in same building.

American Missionary Association. H.C. Percy Sup't 

[[6 columned table]]
| Teacher | School | Studies | Discipline | Furniture |  Remarks. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 
| Miss Duncan | 98 Day Pupils | Arith. Geog. Gram. Hist. | Excellent | Furnished with Desks. | School Room rough and not Equal to merits of School. This is the most advanced of any Schools for Freedmen in the cities. Recitations unusually prompt & accurate
In advance of any white Public School in Norfolk last year. Teaching by Miss Duncan unusually thorough.|
| Miss Leek | 56 Day Pupils | Arith. Geo. Hist. | Good | Furnished with Desks. | Taught in Dispensary Building |
| Miss Fay | 55 Day Pupils | Arith. Geo. | Good | Furnished with Desks. | Taught in Dispensary Building These rooms better furnished than the other schools. And in general the Schools of this Society have better accommodations, and greater facilities than those of other societies. Still the best is poor Enough and not what should be furnished. |
| Mrs Rogers | 90 Day Pupils | Primary | School crowded | Furnished with Desks. | Taught in Dispensary Building |
| Miss Burnett | 65 Day Pupils | Primary |   | Furnished with Desks. | Taught in Dispensary Building |
| Miss Babitt | 100 Day Pupils | Arith. Geog. |   | Church Seats. | James Street Chapel. formerly Rope Walk School |

There is one night School for all Schools of this Society.

In visiting the Schools of the Two Cities, I am impressed with the desirableness of having all under a general superintendence, and if possible let one Society occupy the whole field. The many reasons for such an arrangement are obvious upon inspection.
Chas. A. Raymond Chap'ln U.S.A. Inspector Schools State of Va

Transcription Notes:
use table format change ditto marks to text