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Inspectors Report of Colored Schools in Petersburg Va.
Schools of National Freedman's Relief Association N.Y.
Tabular Statement April 1866
[[12 column table]]
|Location| Teacher| Pupils| Day| Over 14 yrs| Studies| Arith.| Geog.| Gram.| Writing| Av. Attend.| Discip.| Furniture.| Remarks|
|---| Mr. Whiting Supt.|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| The building is tolerable|
|Union Street Meth. Church Lecture Room| Miss Raustends| 60| 30| 6| 6| 0| 6| 40| Good| Benches high backs No desks Blk board Tablets.| 2nd Reader highest class Pupils one year in School|
|Union Street Meth. Church Lecture Room| Mr Whiting's School formerly taught by Mr. Thomas (colord)| Same grade, & numbers as Miss Raustends|---|---|
|Blauford School| Miss Howard| 59| 30| ---| 1| ---|---| 49| Good| Benches with backs| This is a pleasant house|
|on Bollng's Hill| Miss Lawrence| 68| ---| all primary.| ---|---| Good| Desks Tablets| Quiet & retired. The rooms are 25 x 30 with high ceiling. School has been in operation 6 mos. Excellent order and good teachers.|
|Pocahontas| Miss Peckham| 55| ---| Primary|---|---| 48| Good| Benches| An excellent School|
|a Suburb of Petersburg| Miss Hill| 54| ---| 22| 18| 4| Slate| 44| Good| Desks very good| 2 of the pupils only born slaves.  Nearly all the colored people in Pocahontas are free born.|

General Remarks
The remaining Schools of this Society were not inspected for these reasons. 
City Point School was suspended because of small pox.
Bermnon Honored was temporarily closed because of absence of Teachers.
Poplar Grove, at poor farm, a school of 180 pupils was about closing permanently.

The impression made by the Teachers and Schools of this Society was decidedly favorable. The circumstances of their recent establishment, is a sufficient reason for their low grade. The rooms occupied are airy, cheerful, and better than the average.  Elsewhere. The teachers seem capable, experienced, and the work done appears well.
Mr. Whiting is nominally Superintendent of all the Schools in the City, but does feel authorized to act as such but to a very limited extent. Still this nominal superintendence even, is beneficial.
This Society rents the rooms occupied.
Respectfully submitted Chas. A. Raymond
Chap U.S.A. & Inspector of Schools State of VA.

Inspectors' Report of Colored Schools in Petersburg Va.
Protestant Episcopal Freedmans Commission N.Y.
Tabular Statement April 1866
[[12 column table]]
|Location| Teachers| Pupils| Day| Night| Over 14 yrs| Arith| Geo| Gram.| Av. Attend.| Discip| Furniture| Remarks\
|Bani St.| Miss Aiken| 50.| 70.| 18| 20.| 6.| ---| 40| Fair.| Benches without Backs.| The only Episcopal School in the City. School abundantly supplied with books &c - Miss Aiken is not well received by the members of her church in the City.|
|---| Miss Griggs | supported by Pack St. Chh. Boston had a School of 210 pupils, which was closed during my visit.|
|---| 2 Small pay schools, taught by colored teachers, require no special Report.|
|Oak St.| Wm Colseus pay school|
|Miss Allen (colord)| 32| ---|---| no written arith.| 13| 4| 30| Good| Desks for all.| School commenced in May 1865. It is only respectable colored school taught by a native teacher that I have yet seen. Monthly Rate of tuition is $1.50.|
This School will probably be discontinued on account of Wm Colseus' health. It is self supporting.  Its excellence is wholly due to Miss Allen a colored teacher, educated in Washington during the War. The pations of the School are not really able to pay, in their own opinion, but prefer to be select. There is not a full blooded negro in the school Some are very white. The excitations were very accurate in exercises of memory.
Respectfully submitted Chas. A. Raymond
Chap U.S.A. & Inspector of Schools State of Va.