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Bureau R. F and A. Lands
Office Asst. Supt Warren and Page Counties 
Front Royal Va
March 28th 1867.

Bvt. Maj and Brig. Genl. J M. Schofield 
Asst. Commissioner State of Va.



The disposition to educate the Freedmen has increased very much since my last report, "which is accounted for in my estimate," by the law being passed by Congress. Rev'd Wm Nickerson has closed his school at this place, and gone to Harpers Ferry W. Va, a larger field, and where he can do more good. the intelligent class of whites recommend that a teacher be found from amongst them to take the school and the freedmen are willing to do all they can to support a school if a teacher offers that they have confidence in. The freemen are very anxious to keep their