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where the weather will not interfere or derange the operations of the School - and desire that it may be accomplished, with the least possible delay. School No 2, Newbern Pulaski County Va. being located on the Main Street of the town, has continued its sessions uninterruptedly, and the Pupils have made marked progress in their studies. They are very anxious however to get into their new School House - the particulars of which, and a statement of repairs needed, were forwarded with my Special report of the 13th inst.
There has recently been some little interferences by the young men or boys of the town, with the harmonious operations of the school - the fact of which, I am now carefully investigating, and should I find them of sufficient importance, will make a full report of all the circumstances in the case. In regard to this school I consider it of the utmost importance, that the Building owned by the Freedmen, should receive the necessary repairs and be fitted up for school purposes

Transcription Notes:
Edited: misspellings, mistranscriptions