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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and A Lands
Head Qrs Asst Sub Asst Comr 2nd Div 8th Sub Dist Va
Abingdon Va. September 25th 1867.

Captain Wm. P. Austin
Sub Asst Comr
Wytheville Va.

I have the honor to make the following report of Schools in my Sub Dist Comprising the Counties of Washington Russell Buchanan Scott Lee and Wise for for the Month of September 1867.

As follows, There are two day Schools and 3 Sunday Schools all in this County one of the day School is located at this place and the other at Lattville the day School here is taught by Flora Wallace colored that at Lattvill by a white Teacher.  both Schools are supported by the the Freedmen them Selves and have an average attendence of twenty five Scholars each.  The three Sunday Schools are in this County, located at this place Bristol and Lattville.  The Schools are not as prosperous as they wer some months back.  This perhaps my be owing in great measure to the fact that they receive no encouragement from the whites and the inefficiency of their own teachers, The Sunday School at this pace is doing very well but is not