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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and A Lands 
Head Quarters Asst Sub Asst Comr 2d Div 8th Sub Dist Va
Abingdon Va. NOv 25th 1867.
Captain Wm P. Austin
Sub Asst Com.
I have the honor to make the following report of Schools in my sub Dist Comprising the counties of Washington Russell Buchanan Scott Lee and Wise for the month of November 1867. as follows.
The Sunday School at this place has an average attendance of One Hundred and Fifty (150) pupils and Fourteen Teachers (14) all colored and is doing well and resulting in much good. The Sunday School at Bristol is continued under the Supervision of Mr. Hill Colored and Two Teachers and, numbers 30 pupils. The Sunday School at Saltville is in charge of Absalum Raitie I had not an opportunity to hear from him this month. I have been informed by Mr Lemons a colored preacher that it is doing well and members about 40 pupils.

The School House here is not yet quite completed all that is to be done is the mason work which will be completed in a few