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Bu. R.F. and A. Lands
Head Qurs 2d Division 4th Sub Dist. Va.
Goochland C.H. Va.
June 30th 1868.

The schools for Freedmen in this Division are all progressing as well as could be expected at this busy season of the year. The attendance has not been as good during this month as usual owing to the fact that the harvest has called some of the pupils into the field; but after the wheat harvest is over I anticipate a larger attendance than has ever been known. Many parents have failed to send their children thus far for want of ready money, which want the harvest will in a measure supply.
During the month now closing I have visited the school at Maniken taught by Miss Scott, and the school at Beaver Dam Church, taught by Miss Thoms. Both of these teachers are daughters of white men by colored mothers. They are intelligent and competent to teach the pupils entrusted to them Most of the scholars are of course new beginners and great things are not to be expected; but the seeds of much good are being sown, and the future will bring forth a bountiful harvest. A I pass around among these scholars I endeavor to impress upon them the fact that if they properly