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Bu. R.F. and A. Lands
Head Qurs. 2nd Division 4th Sub Dist Va
Goochland C.H. Va.
July 31st 1868.
The schools of this Division since last Report have been in a very satisfactory condition, as will be seen by reference to the Monthly Reports of the teachers. The school at Manakin taught by Miss Scott has been suspended for a few weeks during the heated term, her labors having been arduous and continuous for a long time. The school will be resumed about the middle of September. This is the only school I found in operation when I came here last winter. Since that time four day schools, and three Sabbath Schools have established, in all of which nearly three hundred children and youth are regularly reviewing instruction. This result is in part owing to the fact that small sums are paid monthly for rent of school-rooms. Without this aid I fear that some of these schools would be discontinued for want of pecuniary support. During the month I have twice visited the school