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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, & Abandoned Lands,
Richmond, Va.,July 18th 1866.


Superintendents will immediately cause a through inspection of their Districts to be made, for the purpose of ascertaining lo-cations where it is practicable and desirable to establish schools.

A list of these localities will be made, and answers to such of the following questions be made as may be pertinent to each case.
1. Probable number of pupils for day school?
2. What suitable buildings or rooms are available for school-rooms. specifying their size, whether they are Government buildings, or churches, or private property?
3. Can they be had rent free? And if not, what will be the rent per annum?
4. Condition as to state of repair, facilities for heating, repairs needed, if any, and the estimated cost of repairs?
5. Where new buildings will be required, state the best particular location, cost or rent of land for site, size of building required, materials recommended for the edifice, and estimated cost?
6. Will a teacher from abroad be required? If so, what arrangement of teacher's lodgings from school-house? Cost of board per month? 
7. How much will the local friends of the school do toward its maintenance? If books should be furnished at cost to those who are able to pay for them, and gratuitously to those who cannot pay, will the friends do all or either of the following:
a. Provide the school-house and pay the rent?
b. Make necessary repairs upon it?
c. Furnish the room with seats, desks and black-board?
d. Supply their own teacher and pay the salary?
e. In case a teacher is sent from abroad, will they defray the expense of board?
f. Will they furnish the fuel and lights for day and evening school and take care of school-room?
8. What Government buildings, or lands, or other property, is there which may be made available for school purposes? What is your recommendation concerning the same?
9. Give the name of one or ore of the most responsible per-sons interested in the schools at each location where their establishment recommended. 
10. What is the state of public sentiment with reference to schools for Freedmen? Is it becoming more or less favorable?
11. Give any additional information of interest, and make any important practical suggestions that may occur to you in regards to the school work. 
By the order of Major General A. H. TERRY,
Assistant Commissioner
OFFICIAL: Bvt. Brig. Gen'l and A. A. A. G. 

James A. Bates
A. A. A. G.

Transcription Notes:
-00- Should this be added? I do not think that it needs to be added? If there are page breaks - like re-quired? do I write required? I believe that these become one word as intended, so those changes were made in the transcription.