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Consolidated Report of the First District Va. in compliance with "Circular No. 23." C.S.

[[8 columns]]
| Locality.| Quest. 1.| Question 2. | Question 3. | Question 4, 5 and 6. | Question 7, 8, and 9. | Question 10. | Question 11. |

| City of Norfolk.| 1200.| Dispensary. Gov't building will accomodate 200. | Rent free. | In good condition. | Wm. Keeling. John H. Jordan. J. Reddick, Rev. G. T. Watkins. | Pub. sentiment is improving. Several city clergy men have visited the schools. They express satisfaction and pleasure in what is being done. Several influential citizens have done the same.| - |
|  |  | Calvert St. Schoolhouse. Gov't build'g.- accom. 240. | Rent free. | Moved from Taylor farm. Moving & fitting up cost about $1200. | Rev. Dr. Henderson, Rev. L. Tucker Rev. Wm. Lewis. |  |  | 
|  |  | Ropewalk. Priv't.-accom. 140. | Rent. $90. - per an. | Repairs cost about - $100.- | Patrons can, and probably will, pay 1/3 of expense. |  |  |  
| Bute St. Meth. Church. - priv't. accommodates 200. | Rent free. | In good condition. |  |  |  |
|  |  | Bute St. Baptist Church, - priv't. accommodates 150. | Rent free. | In good condition. | *It is proposed to collect 50 cts. per month tuition from such as can pay, and fee tuition to the remainder. This, - to help pay expenses. |  |  |
|  |  |  Ferry Point. No of children 100. Schools already opened & sustained by cold people. 150. |  | Lot can be bought & house built for - $500.- |  |  |
| City of Portsmouth | 700. | Warehouse. on Water St. priv't. accom. 200. | Rent pr. an. $300.-!  | Repairs will cost $150.- | Geo. R. Boush. Rev. J.R.V. Thomas. Patrons will, by paying tuition, as at Norfolk, aid in perhaps 1/3 of expence. | Public sentiment is changing in our favor. |  |
|  |  | First Baptist Church. priv't. accom. 250. | Rent per an. $160.- | Repairs will cost $150.- |  |  |  |
|  |  | Methodist Church. priv't. accom. 200. | Rent. - uncertain. | In good condition. |  |  |  |
| Providence | 100.| Providence Church priv't. a. - 100.| Rent free. | In good repair. | Patrons will furnish board & fuel. | No change in pub. sent. |  |
| Deep Creek. | 150. | Building owned by whites. | The col'd people's church here was destroyed in time of war. They make no claim but ask Bureau to help them build a house, so the whites have given them land! $400.- |  | Patrons will furnish board & fuel. | Pub. sent. much better than formerly. |  |
| Total Norfolk Co. | 2150. | Eleven buildings | Rentals. 550.- | Estimated repairs, etc. $2500.- |  |  |  |
| Suffolk. | 60. | no building reported? |  | No facts given | No facts given | No facts given |  |
| Chuckatuck| 100. | Col'd Church. (at Christmas) |  | Col'd teacher - board $3.-pr week. | Col'd people will not pay at all.  | No facts given |  |
| Windsor | 50. | No building. |  | 
 | Col'd people will not pay at all. | No facts given |  | 
| Smithfield. | 100. | Log. House 100.- | Rent free.- | Col'd teacher | Patrons fur. board & fuel. | Pub. sent. improving (but bad enough) |  |
| Total. Reported for Counties of Nansemond & Isle of Wight. | 310.- | 2 buildings |  |  |  |  |
| Wise Farm. | 175. | Schoolhouse 175. | Rent free. | Estimated repairs $40.- | Patrons will pay for books, Mr. Tiffany. (white), Isaac Dean David Penn. & 1/3 expense. general. | Gov't "pauper form." No sentiment to report! | People in this Co. refuse to sell or lease any land |