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Report of localities where it is practicable and desirable to establish Freedmen Schools, in compliance with Circular No. 23 C.S. Hd. Qrs. Asst. Com'r. Va. for the 2d. Dist of Va. Bureau R. F. and A.L.

[[12 Columned Table]]
| Locality | 1 Number of Pupils | 2 Buildings or Rooms available for School purposes etc | 3 Cost of Rent | 4 State of Repair, heating facilities, estimate cost of Repairs, etc. | 5 Cost or Rent of Land, size of Building required, materials recommended and estimate cost etc | 6 Will a teacher from the North or abroad be required, if so, can board be had and at what price etc | 7 How much will the local friends of the School do towards its maintenance etc. | 8 What Govt Buildings or Lands can be made available for School purposes | 9 Names of responsible persons interested in F. Schools | 10 What is the state of public sentiment with reference to Freedmens schools | 11 Remarks Additional information, suggestions etc in regards to Freedmens Schools |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Dinwiddie Co 3 miles from Dinwiddie C.H., towards Petersburg, opposite residence of D. G. Carr | 80 Day 80 Night | None |   |   | Land can be had rent free - size of building? 22 x 34 ft - Estimate Cost? $400.00. Required for purchase of lumber, carpenter work, etc. | No, one of their own number being qualified and willing to do so for what his own people can pay him. | A. Can not provide Schoolroom. B. Will keep it in repair when built. C. Can not furnish furniture. d. Will supply their own teacher and pay his salary. e. f. Will furnish fuel, lights &c | None | David G. Carr | The state of public sentiment is becoming more favorable. To use their own language, "the Negro is turned loose among us and the better Citizen you can make of him, the better it will be for us." | The Freedmen have commenced the erection of a Building and require the amount stated to complete it. The Whites are not able to help them much in this enterprise, being very poor in that Co. It is suggested that the assistance required in building this schoolroom be furnished at once in order to complete the building before winter | 

| Mecklenburg Co Clarkesville | 150 day | A Building can be Rented |   |   |   | Desire a Teacher from the North whose Board they will pay, which can be easily obtained at a convenient distance from School | Will purchase books at cost a. Will furnish Schoolroom  b. Will keep it in repair c. Will furnish furniture d. Require a Northern Teacher e. Will pay teachers Board f. Will furnish fuel lights etc. | None | Benj Puryear Rob't. Watkins (Colored) | The state of public sentiment is becoming more favorable | Two Schools will be sufficient in this Co for the present until over a time as the colored people in the interior realize the benefit of School. | 

| Mecklenburg Co Boydton | 100 day | A Building can be rented |   |   |   | Desire a Teacher from the North (a Colored man if possible) whose Board they will pay, which can easily be obtained at a convenient distance from school | Will purchase Books at cost. a. Will furnish Schoolroom. b. Will keep it in repair. c. Will furnish furniture etc. d. Require a Northern Teacher. e. Will pay Teachers Board f. Will furnish fuel, lights etc. | None | Henry Duncan Watt Tove (Colored) | The state of public sentiment is becoming more favorable |   |

| Amelia Co. Mannboro Scotts Shop near Jetersville Prides Church Lodore | From 40 to 100 Scholars at 1st. then places 30 day | No building can be had except near Jetersville |   |   | Land can be bought at from $8 to $15 per acre & size of building? 20 x 30 - Estimate cost? $75 for each Schoolroom. Require for purchase of Logs, Nails, Sash & Glass - At Lodore Mr. Saddler will give the Land and the Col'd people will build the house providing money enough to buy Nails, Sash & Glass is furnished - say - $25.00 | Colored Teachers would be best. Board can be had at $4.00 p. week. | Can purchase books if pay will be taken in trade a. With assistance they can furnish Schoolroom. b. Will keep up necessary repair when houses are build c. Will furnish seats, Desks and Blackboards d. Can not supply their own teacher or pay his salary e. Not unless a colored teacher is sent, whom they will board f. will furnish fuel, lights etc. | None | At Mannboro: C. Coleman J.B. Washburn (white) Joseph Scott (colored) At Scotts Shop G. Robinson (colored) At Prides Church J.M. Williams (white) Jno Robinson (colored) |  The state of public sentiment is varied: For 2 or 3 weeks nothing has been said against Scholars but the state of feeling is by no means good. The better class of people are favorable but dare not act | Several Schools have been in successful operation under the auspices of the Genl Assambly of the O. S. Presb Church, Rev Thos F Murphy late chaplin Lt [[?]] Supt at Amelia C.H., a school of 60 scholars, at Daringsville of 80 scholars both taught by Northern ladies. At Lodore J.J. Sadler, Esq, a native is teaching on his own place, his school is self-containgin except in part for books. Has 30 scholars but could have a larger school if he had room. At Painsville Edmond Delany (cold) freedman is teaching a small school (self-sustaining). A school was started at Mt Zion July 1st by Capt White (late Asst Supt) where two colored men, students from [[?]] University Penn are teaching 122 scholars. The people board them by contribution. In case of land was given the colored people at this place upon which they have build a school house. All these schools are making wonderful progress. See back of reports 1st Lieut |

Transcription Notes:
The first County is completed. 4/14 THIS Is Not complete! remainder of last row columns to be transcribed and many many blanks, too many to be marked for review . - Updated.