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[[12 columned table]]
| Location | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |

| 8 Prince George Co  City Point | 50 day Pupils | There are Govt. Buildings that could be made available | Cannot be had rent free being Q Mr Property. Cannot ascertain the rent | Buildings are too large and will need repairs. Estimate cost $100.00. Can be heated best with stoves, which will have to be furnished. | Ground Rent for building referred to will be $125 per anum | A teacher from abroad will be required. Board can be had within 1/2 a mile at $25.00 per mo. | Will purchase books at cost. a. Cannot furnish house. b. Will make necessary repairs. c. Will furnish furniture d. Cannot furnish teacher or pay salary e. Cannot pay Board of teacher f. Will furnish fuel, lights etc | Govt. Buildings can be obtained by renting some from Q. M. Dep. and being cheaper than private property would recommend the use of same | None | The state of public sentiment is opposed (generally) to the education of the freedmen and I do not think, grows more favorable | The School now in operation at City Point is doing finely and its continuation is recommended 

| 9 Charlotte Co  Charlotte C.H. | From 75 to 80 Pupils |  None |   |   | Land can be had for little or nothing. A frame building would be cheapest, one to accommodate 100 pupils, can make no estimate of cost. | Would recommend Mr. Mellior a citizen of good standing who is thoroughly competent for teacher. Is now teaching a small private School | Will purchase books at cost a. Cannot furnish house b. Will keep house in repair when built c. Will furnish furniture. d. (See No 6) Cannot pay teachers salary e. Will pay teachers board f. Will furnish fuel, lights etc | None | Dr. J.P. Brown, late Bureau Apt. WW. Henry Com Wths. Atty. | The state of public sentiment with reference to Schools for freedmen is very favorable and is daily becoming more so. | There is at the CH a private school kept by a Mr. W.H. Mellior (see P. 6) which has 25 pupils for which he charges $2.00 per month, but as most of freedmen do not get but $8.00 per month and have families to support it is easy to see that few of them can send their children to this school. the friends of the School could not do much, but will do all they can. At a meeting held to raise money for this purpose they raised $125. which is still unappropriated. Several white citizens were present and contributed |

| 10  Nottoway Co  Burkesville | About 50 day Pupils | A large Storehouse (private property) 25 x 100 ft. | Rent $10 per month | In poor condition  Will have to be repaired at a cost of $25.00  Will require stoves for heating. | Would recommend a new building. Cost of Lot $100. Building 25 x 100 ft of frame with stone foundation. cost ? $700.00. | A teacher from abroad required. Excellent accomodations at 300 yds from Schoolhouse, about $30. per month. | Will purchase books at cost. a. Cannot furnish house. b. Will keep house in repair. c. Cannot furnish furniture. d. Cannot furnish teacher or pay salary e. Cannot pay teachers board. f. will furnish fuel lights etc | Now | Now | The majority of the citizens will simply tolerate, but not encourage or aid the Schools. | The Freedmen offer to pay $1.00 per month for each scholar who attends to defray current expenses. The Schools will have no local friends, so that no encouragement or aid need be expected except from the Freedmen themselves, and they are not able to do much. Would recommend that male teachers be sent there and that some action be taken in organizing the School immediately |

| Nottoway C.H. | About 50 day Pupils | Private property. | Rent $8. per month | In poor condition. Will have to be repaired at a cost of $25.00 Will require Stoves for heating | Would recommend a new building. Cost of Lot $45. Building 25 x 100 ft, of frame with stone foundation - Estimate Cost $700. | A teacher from abroad required. Excellent accommodations at 300 yds from Schoolhouse, about $30 per month | Will purchase books at cost. a. Cannot furnish house. b. Will keep house in repair. c. Cannot furnish furniture. d. Cannot furnish teacher, or pay salary of same e. Cannot pay the teachers board. f. Will furnish fuel, lights etc | Now | Mr Kent | The Majority of the citizens will simply tolerate, but not encourage or aid the Schools. |   |