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Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Hd Qr. Asst Supt 2d Dist
Amelia C.H. Va July 30th/66

In compliance with Circular No 23. C.S., I have the honor to make the following report.
Schools could be successfully established at Mannboro Scotts shop, near Jetersville, near Prides church.
1st Day schollars from forty to one Hundred.
2nd There are no buildings that can be had, except near Jetersville a lady is teaching in her own house, but it is not suitable

3th do.

4th do.

5th New buildings can be built at these places at a small cost. Land can be had from 8 to 15 dollars pr acre, 3 acres.             $30.00                    
Size of building 20 x 30. 10 feet
high. Pine logs which can be had
for not more than ten cents per tree   10.00              
Nails $10.00 sash & glass 15.00        25.00
6th At Mannboro & Prides Church  Total 65.00
board can be had for about $4 pr week.
Col'd teachers would be best.

7th The "local friends" will do all they can but at present are not able to do much. They can nearly all buy books if they can pay for them in trade or with assistance they can
& they will keep up the necessary repairs when once completed