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Answer to 1st Question
Near Lunenburg C.H. about 70 pupils will attend.

Answer to 2d Question.
None fit, would have to hire private property and build.

Answer to 3d Question.
None suitable can be rented, except small outhouses.

Answer to 4th Question.

Answer to 5th Question. 
Near Lunenburg C.H. and one at Hungarytown, building and land, would cost about $600, each 25 x 100, Frame.

Answer to 6th Question.
Yes, fair arrangements about ½ a mile from school houses about $25 per month each.

Answer to 7th Question. 
The Schools will have no local friends, but the Freedmen who will pay $25. a month for support of each school

Answer to 9th 10th & 11th Questions.
Mr. R. Williams at Lunenburg C.H.
Mr. T. Scott at Hungarytown
Schools will be tolerated only.

Very Respectfully
your Obdt Servant.
D Jerome Connolly
Bt Capt & Asst Supr'dt
Nottoway & Lunenburg Co's Va