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Bureau Ref F and ALands.
Office Supt 3rd Dist of Va.
Richmond Va. Sept 13th '66

Brvt Brig Genl O. Brown.
A.A.A.G. Bureau R.F and AL.


In compliance with Cir No. 27, dated Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr Department of the Potomac Richmond Va. July 18th 1866, I have the honor to submit the following replies to interrogatories contained therein; and the accompanying report with a list of localities in the District where it is desirable to establish schools for Freedmen.
1st Schools can be established in various parts of this Dist with an average attendance of seventy five or an hundred scholars, except in the City of Richmond and Manchester where the attendance would be much larger.
2nd Suitable buildings (30x50 or 30x30) can be obtained in most of the localities named. There is no property, belonging to the Government outside the City of Richmond, which can be used for educational purposes, except at Bermuda Hundred, and it is not positively know whether the building at that place (now used for a school) is Govt property or not.