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not be pupils enough to jusify the erection of a school house. 
In the establishment of schools for the colored children, we need not look for any aid or even encouragement from any local source, for the Whites here generally are opposed to the education of the Freedmen, so that where the schools are to be established it will in each case be necessary to erect the building and furnish it, also build a house if white teachers are to be employed for them to live in, Colored teachers can be boarded near the School, and his board will be paid by the Freedmen in whose community the school is taught. 
I would recommend the establishment of a School at Newport News with a dwelling for teacher one hundred and fifty Scholars. The Richmond & Newport News Rail Road have promised me an Acre of land for that purpose for a number of years without charge The 2d School House with teachers dwelling, I would recommend to be erected on a piece of Land belonging to the Freednebs Babtist community about two miles from Warwick C.H. who will put up the building themselves if we furnish the material. 
The 3d School I would propose to build on the Head of Mulberry Island, there too a