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teacher's dwelling would have to be built. There are from one hundred to one hundred and twenty scholars who would go to the Mulberry Island School, while from one hundred and fifty to Two hundred would go to the "Denbeigh" or Warwick CH School. 
The number of night Scholars would be far in excess of the day scholars, as it is a noteworthy fact that all the Freedmen are anxious to learn, and it is astonishing with what facility they learn to read write & cipher. 
Quest 1st From four to five hundred.
Quest 2nd There are none available. 
Quest 3rd  - - - - 
Quest 4th - - - - - - - 
Quest 5th One at Newport News, One at Warwick C.H. & One on Mulberry Island. The Size of the School houses at Newport News & Warwick C.H. should be about 30 by 50 feet. The one on Mulberry Island about 38 by 28 feet. I would recommend that they be built of Pine lumber (a frame) and sealed, of which there is an abundance of Camp Hamilton which was formerly used as Hospital Wards, and I understand that it is proposed to use it for school purposes. 
I cannot estimate the cost as it will altogether depend on the transportation, which I