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missioner Department of the Potomac dated July 18th 1866 Consolidated for the Seventh District of Virginia

[[12 Columned Table]]
| 7th. Q. | Ans. to "a" | Ans to "b" | Ans to "c" | Ans to "d" | Ans to "e" | Ans to f | Ansr. to 8th. Q | Ansr. to 9th. Q | Ansr. to 10th. Q | Ansr to 11th. Q | Remarks. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| ds will do its maintenance for books | No| No | No | No | No | No | None | There are no person or persons interested in the education of the colored people | The public sentiment with reference to schools for Freedmen can be considered pretty good for Virginia: And is becoming more favorable | I would recommend a male teacher be sent to this school as it would be very very hard for a female to get along. | There is a flourishing school at Danville Va under the supervision of the Friends Freedmen Assn of Phila. with an average attendance of 300 pupils Rec'd Sept 20th 1866 |

| County would to call friends ibute anything maintenance | No | No | No | No | No | No | None | Many have no objection to educating freedmen yet would not give any assistance | While there are a few who have no objections to educating Freedmen and who would even like such schools to succeed they would not make themselves sons/[[?]] by appearing interested. The public sentiment is anything but favorable and I have a doubt whether a school could live without favorable and  I have no doubt whether a school could live without protecting Military | I find a very strong desire among the Freedmen to learn to read and if a school was established and protected by gov't it would support itself in course of two years | There are no schools in Henry Co Va Rec'd O.S. 7th Dist Va Augt 27th 1866 |

| [[?]] would not [[?]] who would [[?]] to maintenance [[?]] purchase | No | No | No | No | No | No | None | No one will take any interest or contribute anything to help advance the schools | Same as above | Same as above | There are no schools in Patrick, Co. Rec'd O.S. 7th Dist Va Augt 27th 1866 |

| [[?]] purchased friends of the | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Some | No white person would take any interest | I think in some instances is becoming more favorable during the last session here. The teachers experienced considerable annoyance | Teachers are expected here in a shorty time to prepare the schools for freedmen and their children | I do not think there is enough colored people at any one point in Bath or Allegheny Co to warrant this establishment of a school for Freedmen Rec'd O.S. 7th Dist Oct 16th, 1866 |

| [[?]]d can be [[?]] local friends | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | Yes | None | Mr. F. S. Tukey residing at present in Staunton and is Clerk in the Bureau would assist teachers when necessary | The schools are tolerated I do not think public sentiment is changing very materially in their favor | The freedpeople would be more able to provide more fully for the schools but for the fact they are still heavily indebted for the building they now ocupy [[occupy]] for a Church | The extension should be made as a matter of accommodation to the school, which was unpleasantly crowded last season and will be more so this The freedpeople need all their resources to meet their obligations Rec'd O.S. 7th Dist Augt 24 1866 | 

| be expected friend | No| No | No | No | No | Yes | None | There are no white persons that will take an interest in the school except Edward Baldwise | Last season the colored people were not allowed to assemble for any purpose. No material change in the feeling of the people. I think one male teacher should be sent | The people were turned off when freed in rent poor circumstances and have been obliged to submit to many privations and although anxious to have a school are unable to do much themselves | They have obtained lumber to build with in in exchange for labor and donations from whites in place of money. Recd. O.S. 7th. Dist of Va Aug't 22d. 1866 |

|   | No | No | No | No | No | No | None | J. C. Merrill, Campbell, C W. | Feeling in favor of schools is improving |   | Rec'd O.S. 7th. Va Oct 10th. 1866 There is one school at Lynchburg numbering 50 scholars which is self supporting. The Methodist and Baptist Colored demoninations are bulding churches which can be used for schools when finished If it was not for these I should recommend the building of a school house large enough to accommodate five hundred pupils. The Barracks used for school now is also used by the Methodist Colored for Church some trouble has already arisen between the Pastor of the Church and Supt of the schools, in reference to charges needed for the amount of the school The Church claiming first right to the barracks I would [[illegible]] by recommend that the first use of the barracks be given the school | 

|   | No | No | No | No | No | No |   | Rev J D Mitchell Jno. R. McDaniel A. B. Rucker and many others | The thinking classes are very favorable to educating the freedmen and wish the schools to succeed yet will not aid them by donations, with the majority the feelings against it |   |   |

|   | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | None | John Echols, and Peter Hunter Justice Peace | Feeling is improving. |   |   |

|   | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | None | Henry Brown and Deesus Hunter Justice Peace | Feeling improving |   |   | 

|   | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | None | James Johns and Baverly Mattall | Feeling improving | A man named Bill Durphy Road Master in S.S. R.R. threatens to burn house of a school is started |   |  

|   | yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | None | Albert Johnson Washington Johnson Jack Johnson | Feeling improving |   |   | 

|   | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | None | L. D. Isbell, Guy Peers Wilson Hicks H. J. Cowan | Feelings improving |   |   | 

| [[?]]red The The land [[?]] upon  | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | None | Major Ryles and Mr Kennedy | Better classes favor educating freedmen and public sentiment is changing very favorably in favor of schools | I would suggest the employment of Native teachers. Prejudice very strong against "Yankee Teachers" | Received O.S. 7th Dist Va Aug't 25th 1866 | 

| built the school [[?]]cher his board [[?]] months | Yes | No | No | No | No | Yes | None | John Powell, Rickfish Depot | Same as above | Same as above |   | 

|   |   |   |   |   |   |   | None | Rev Mr Hopkins Arrington Depot, O. &. N. R.R. | Same as above | Same as above |   | 

| has agreed to give [[?]] [[?]] site [[?]]on. |   |   |   |   |   |   | None | P. C. Massie Massie Mills Nelson Co Va | Same as above | Same as above |   | 

| [[?]] help than the [[?]] Peters Col'd |   |   |   |   |   |   | None | W. D. Cabell New Market Nelson Co Va. | Same as above | Same as above |   |

| [[?]]tes are unwilling [[?]] are unable | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | None | Jas Ireland and Rob't Whitehead Livingston | Same as above | Same as above |   | 

| [[?]]tes are unwilling [[?]] are unable | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | None |   | The intelligent classes are in favor of educating the freedmen, but will not advocate it publicly the majority or poorer classes it is very unfavorable, though changing to slowly favorable |   | Rec'd O.S. 7th Dist Va Oct 10th. 1866 | 

| above | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | None |   | Same as above |   |   |

| above | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | None |   | Same as above |   |   |  

| as above  | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | None | Mr. [[?]]us Peters. Flucks P.O. Botetourt Co Va | Same as above |   |   | 

| as above | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | None | Cha's F. Anderson & Rev Carran Flincastle Botecourt. Co. Va | Same as above |   |   |

| as above | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | None | Jas P. B[[?]]trant John P Heady Jas. P. Holcomb, L L D Liberty Va | Same as above |   |   | 

| [[?]]ive meetings and [[?]] $20. per month to offer help [[?]] the whites will | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | None | John P D Haven Col'd Mr Noulan Cold Rocky Mount, Va | Feelings towards educating the freedmen is very unfavorable | The freedmen are unable to do anything towards maintenance of the school and the whites will not assist in any way | Rec'd O.S. 7th Dist Va Oct 21st. 1866 |

| [[?]]atevan | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | None | None | Unfavorable | The Pa. F.R.A tried to establish a school in Amherst, C.H. last spring the teacher was unable to obtain board and a school room could not be had at any price and was obliged to relinquish the attempt. | Rec'd O.S. 7th Dist Va Oct 10th 1866 | 

Respectfully submitted
R. S. Lacey

Capt and Supt RF. & A.L. 7th Dist of Va 

Transcription Notes:
4/16 - completed transcribing page, formatted table per SI, closing for review, majority of blanks [[?]] are result of first column being cut off, this one not pretty Copy missing text from previous page (which has first columns)?