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to be another as great, if not still stronger feeling operating in their minds, to the detriment of the whole project, and that is a wicked spirit of invidious and contemptible jealousy.  It would be very mortifying indeed to the presumptive arrogance if a great many, especially where, perhaps, they cannot even sign their own names, to have one of their former Slaves, and a child at that, excell them in all they ever knew; to say nothing of the advantages it would naturally bestow on the colored race, to the disadvantage, it is assumed, of the Whites by making the former the better to  "check" the latter. 
There are those who pretend they cannot see that the true effect would be to prevent, or counteract, the very evils they so perversely, bitterly, and disingenuously persist in conjuring up.  I have even been told, that were a School for Colored people opened here, those going to and from it would steal and take away everything out of the village.  The actuating cause throughout all this, however, it is easily to be seen, is really a great fear of losing forever that absolute control heretofore exercised over the slave, through the medium of his consummate ignorance, and his depraved and degraded moral and social condition; and this too, it must be remembered, while he is now held, without exception, as strictly responsible for any, even unconscious infringement of the Law, as the most enlightened white man in the community.
In the next place, I have thus far been unable to find any buildings, public or private, any where throughout the county, that can be had, either free or for rent, for School purposes; or any land either, belonging to the whites; and of U.S. Government buildings or lands, I know of none in my Sub District.
Of course, the difference in the inclinations