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considerable. It needs new floors, doors; and some of the windows need new sash. It will also have to be lathed and plastered, or ceiled - a chimney built, and other repairs, Stores and for heating, costing about $250 to $300-
5th. In case this room cannot be obtained, a new building will be required, and a lease can be obtained, suitable for a site, in the Charlestown Road, just in the outskirts of the village, for about $25- per annum, and a building of about 25 X 35, built of wood, with a stone foundation can be put up at a cost of $500-
6th A teacher from abroad will be required, and good arrangements can be relied upon for teachers board and lodging, but a short distance from the school house, at a cost of $4- per week, fuel and lights extra.
7th The local friends of the school, say that they can furnish $300 per annum, towards defraying the expenses of the school house, the necessary repairs, furnishing the room with desks, seats, Blackboard [[and?]] will furnish fuel and lights for day and evening school, and take care of schoolroom. 
8th There are no good Buildings of any kind at this parish, or Lands.
9th The following are the names of some of the most responsible persons interested in the school, at this locality -
Charles H. Slow.       Robert Hall
Joshua Moore.        George Potter, all freedmen,
10th The state of public sentiment with reference to schools