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Robert Mills and Jacob Johnson, all freedmen-
10 The state of public sentiment with reference to schools for freedmen, is not so good at this place, but is in my opinion becoming more favorable - 
11 Would suggest that if it could be done, the freedmen be assisted in finishing and furnishing the buildings they already own, and get them started on the enterprise they have undertaken, after which they will, in my opinion, be able to look after themselves in regard to educating their children.
Newtown, Frederick County, VA
1st Probable number of pupils for day school is [?]
2nd There is a building available for a school room - It's size is about 20 x 30, and is private property -
3rd The cost of this building will cost about $25 per summer - which would be in consideration of making the necessary repairs upon it -
4th The building will need a new roof and under-pinning, one partition is be taken out and the walls will need some repairing; the probable cost of repairs will be about $40 or $50 and a stove will be needed to heat the room -
5th -
6th A teacher will be required from abroad, but there is some difficulty apprehended [?] in procuring[?] board [[?]] lodging for one; there can [[?]] be a [?]