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rented or built for the use of a teacher, the rent will cost about $60. per annum, or a small house can be put up for $300, and can be done within the distance of 1/8 of a mile from the schoolroom, and a teacher can subsist himself on $5. per mth, exclusive of the rent.
7' The local friends will do what they can towards repairing the schoolroom which will I think be nearly or quite sufficient to make what repairs are actually needed, furnish their own books, also fuel and lights for day and evening school, and take care of the schooroom-
8' There are no Govt buildings or property at this place
9' The following is the names of responsible persons interested in schools. John Taper & --
10' In regard to the state of public sentiment in reference to freedmens schools, among a large portion of the community it is very unfavorable, but I think that the opposition that now exists would soon die out if a school could be opened with any degree of success-
11' I would respectfully suggest that in as much as the freedmen are very desirous of having a school at this place, and which is very much needed, that a building be rented or built for the use of a teacher and thereby overcome the only obstacle that now stands in the way of having a school in full operation in a very short time as arrangements have already been made to repair the rooms, and a teacher has been hired by the Old School Presbyterian Association,