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I am of the opinion that colored teachers could be supplied for those places in the event of the withdrawal of northern teachers from the field, which doubtless will occur to a great extent within a year. 

I am unable to learn to what extent the Supt of Schools for this dist has investigated this matter of the establishment of new schools. I have always been willing to confer with Supts of Schools at any time they chose to confer with me as to the best means of encouraging the establishment of schools, & advancing the interests of the Freedpeople in this direction.

If an appropriation will be made by government for each of the places named application for the same can be made out by me for the Freedpeople or the Supt of Schools (?) I feel an interest in the work & desire to do all I can for its advancement

I am Major
Very Respectfully Your Obt Servt
W. Angs. McNulty
Bvt Capt & Ass't Supt BRF & AL