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man. The house is built of hewn logs, has a shingle roof, good floor, is 15x18 feet in extent, but is designed only as a make shift till a better one can be put up. 
It is not suitable for winter use.
Twenty five pupils attend this school: tuition is $1.00 per month which is very slowly paid. The common English branches are taught. Mr Martin attended school in Philadelphia three years, reads well, writes indifferently with a good training he would be an excellent teacher. Were this a free School not less than fifty children would attend it.
4th. Near Modesttown Accomac Co. is another colored day school taught by one Thomas H Broadwater (Col'd). The house (15 x 15 ft square) is a frame set in the ground and weather boarded; built out of old hospital lumber; unfit for use in cold weather. It stands on land owned by one Mr. Laws, a loyal man. Attendance is 15 young children - tuition 50 cts per month, which Mr. Broadwater hopes to collect: the common English branches are taught. There are nearly 100 children who could and should attend this school - they are prevented by the inability of their parents to pay tuition.