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alive are able to prepare teachers to be about their work betimes with energy not sparing expense. Fifty teachers to be graduated two years from now would be agreed to fifty schools for them the probably recovered strength of the county and increase average of prosperity would enable the people to support their own schools.
I have long been growing in the conviction that concentrated and vigorous effort in the direction of normal or training schools is the special work of the present educational day.
This work is the step to the necessary condition of a broader school system for freedmen of a higher range of intelligence, of a wiser use of newly acquired and tremendous governing power.
It is moreover the right and natural thing that the freedmen should do for themselves whatever is possible for them to do. their elevation is only genuine as it is self-elevation.
Further the Normal Schools is the most economical application of any given amount of effort and money.
3rd The poverty of the people which throws nearly the whole burden of support on the