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Several of the best and most intelligent colored men of the County, when I called together at my office. to discuss this matter, and to explain to them the proposed plans for its accomplishment, stated to me in answer to my inquiries -

1st That there was no colored person in the county competent to teach -
2d That white teachers could be found here, for a salary of $30.00 a month - they thought it would not exceed that amount
3d That they would prefer teachers from the North.
4th As to procuring land, and the erection of school houses, they thought the former could be rented, and they would do what they could to help build the latter.

I endeavored to impress upon them that outside assistance, whether from the Govt or associations, was intended to be, and from its nature must be but temporary; and that they must bear the greatest possible share of the expense now, and expect to bear the whole at some future day.  They seemed to appreciate the reasonableness of this, and said, for a