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Bureau R.F. and A.L. Hd. Qrs. Sub. Asst. Comr. 10th Dist. Alexandria Apt. 22. 1867
R.M. Manly. Supt. Education. 
I have the honour to submit the following report of Buildings now occupied for school purposes &c, in the 10th District in compliance with instructions contained in your letter of the 17th Dist.

[[7 column table]]
| Names of Schools. | Alexandria. Co. Location | By whom owned. | Capacity No. | Rent per Month. | By whom sustained | Remarks. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

Alexandria. Co. 
| Barber Chapel | Washington Street | Colored Socity | 100 |   | Baptist Home Miss Socty. |   |
| Mission School | Sickels Barracks | Government Buildings | 250 | 13.00 | Reformed Presbyterian Church | Land is owned by Brown & Smith. |
| * L Ouverture Hospital | Fayette Street | Government Buildings | 300 | 8.00 | N.Y. Branch American Freed Union | Land is owned by Solomon Stover |
| High School. | Wolf Street. | N.Y. Branch A. F. Union. | 76 |   | North Shore & Portland Socty. | This school will be removed to New Building |
| Batery Rogers | Batery Rogers | Government | 115 |   | North Shore & Portland Socty. New York | recently sold, will reopen in New Building |
| Jacobs School | Corner Queen & West Street | N England Branch. A F. Union | 95 |   | N.E. Branch. A.F. Union |   |
| Camp Distribution | Camp Distribution | Bureau | 75 |   | Michigan Branch A.F. Union | This is a meeting house furnished by the Bureau |
| Pitt Street School House | Pitt Street | Bureau | 500 |   | This is a New Building recently put up by Bureau. Land was purchased by Freedmen Will be opened for school 31st... Will accommodate 8 schools. |

[[note: asterisk next to LOuvertuere Hospital]] (* Five schools in LOuverture Hospital will be reoved to New Building) [[note]]

Fairfax Co.
| Vienna | Vienna | All Buildings are owned by Freedmen in Fairfax Co. | 40 |   | Association Friends, Phil. Penn. |   |
| Frying Pan | Frying pan | All Buildings are owned by Freedmen in Fairfax Co. | 40 |   | Apociation Friends, Phil. Penn. |   |
| Lewinsville | Lewinsville | * | 52 |   | Apociation Friends, Phil. Penn. | (+ Five schools in Louverture Hospital will be removed to New Building.) |
| Woodlawn | Woodlawn | All Buildings are owned by Freedmen in Fairfax Co. | 91 |   | Association Friends, Phil. Penn. |   |
| Fairfax C.H. | Fairfax C.H. | All Buildings are owned by Freedmen in Fairfax Co. | 70 |   | Association Friends, Phil. Penn. |   |
| Falls Church | Falls Church | All Buildings are owned by Freedmen in Fairfax Co. | 74 |   | Association Friends, Phil. Penn. |   |
| Gum Spring | Gum Spring | All Buildings are owned by Freedmen in Fairfax Co. | 51 |   | Association Friends, Phil. Penn. |   |
| Concord | Concord | All Buildings are owned by Freedmen in Fairfax Co. | 30 |   | Association Friends, Phil. Penn. |   |
| near St. Andrews Chapel. |   | All Buildings are owned by Freedmen in Fairfax Co. | 35 |   | Association Friends, Phil. Penn. |   |

Loudon. Co.
| Leesburgh School | Leesburgh, Va. |   | 60 |   | Association Friends, Phil. Penn. |   |
| Lincoln | Lincoln |   | 40 |   | Association Friends, Phil. Penn. |   |
| Janneys School | Waterford |   | 60 | 2.10 | Association Friends, Phil. Penn. |   |

Fauquier Co
| Warrenton School | Warrenton |   | 130 |   | N. England Branch of A.F. Union. |   |

Your Obt Servt
G.F. Lee
Capt 45th. Regt. Sub. Asst Comr. 10th Dist Va.