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Sunday School No 1 Salem, Roanoke County, numbers 7 Teachers & 75 Scholars "Col'd" organized Oct. 27th 1867.
No 2. Numbers 5 Teachers & 60 Scholars "Col'd" organized Oct 27th 1867.

Day School 3 miles east of Salem, Roanoke County, taught by Andrew Jackson "Col'd" opened May 25th 1868 - Vacation during the past month

Day School at Big Lick Roanoke County taught by Sandy Breton "Col'd"-numbers 30 Scholars. Opened July 6th 1868. Sunday School at the same place numbers 6 Teachers & 40 Scholars "Col'd" opened July 5th 1868.

Sunday School at Cave Springs, Roanoke Co. numbers 2 Teachers & 40 Scholars "Col'd" opened May 12th 1867.

The Sunday School at Snowville has been reported discontinued. Also the day school at Jacksonville Lloyd County. The Teacher at the latter place wishing to better qualify himself by study.

Very Respectfully Your Ob't Servant
CS Schaeffer A.S.A. Com'r.