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Bureau R. F and A. Lands
Office A. S. A. Com 4th div 4t S dist.
Madison C.H. Va
Dec 31st 1868

Gen O. Brown
Apr Comr
Richmond Va.

Gen, (through Hd. Qrs. S.A.C. 4th sub dist Va) and in compliance with Cir no. 17, dated Hd Qrs Assistant  Com'r Richmond Va. Dec 20th 1867. I respectfully forward the following Report in relation to Freedmen's Schools in this div of the sub district. We have but one school in operation at the present time. and it is with great difficulty it is kept up. The Freedmen are not able to support schools wholly on their own responsibility. They need help from abroad or they will have no schools for some time to come. Unless they can be aided by some means they will never be able to procure competent Teachers. I hope there will some steps taken for the relief of those people. they are certainly in great need of some assistance in the way of funds and