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Bureau R. F and A Lands
Hd Qrs 2nd Div 6th Sub District Va
Bowling Green Caroline County Va.
April 1st 1868
Bvt. Brig. Gen'l O. Brown
Asst. Com. Richmond Va.
Thro Sub Asst Comm. 6th Sub Dist.
I have the honor to report in compliance with circular No 17 Head Quarters Asst. Com. Richmond Va Dec 20th 1867 that I have made a personal inspection of all the schools in this Division during the last month and find them in the following condition. Bowling Green School very small owing to its having to be supported by Freedmen but doing as well as could be expected with a Colored Teacher. 
Port Royal also very small and the children making very little progress owing in part to the irregularity of the lessons.
Reedy Church very small but progressing quickly.

Very Respectfully, Your Obdt Servt.
F. S. Tukey A.S.A. Com.