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Bureau of RF and AL
Hd Qrs 7th Div 5th Sub Dist
Eastville Va April 30th 1868
Bvt Capt Will A Coulter
Richmond Va
In compliance with Circular No 17 series of 1867 I have the honor to report that I have made during the last month a personal inspection of the schools in this Division and find that the schools at Eastville, Onancock, Drummondton and Pungoteague, suported by the American Missionary Society in a find condition the pupils have improved much since my last report and seem to take great interest in their studies. Their are three hundred and seventy four (374) pupils in the above named schools with an average attendance of two hundred and sixty seven (267) a gain since my last report of one hundred and twenty one (121)
The school at New Boston taught by James Martin (colord) is in a fair condition