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Bureau R F and A Lands
Hd. Qrs. 3rd Div. 11th Sub. Dist VA
Boydton Va Aug 31st 1868

Thomas P Jackson Esq
Sub Asst Comm Bu &c
Farmville Va

In accordance with Cir 17 Series 1867 Hd Qrs Asst Com Dist Va. I have the honor to make the following Report: viz:
That I visited the "Lee" School for Freedmen in Christiansville Va Aug 28th 1868. A small number of the pupils in this school could read in easy lessons at the beginning of this term. All now can read and many can read well in advanced Readers.
A few are studying Arithmetic, and Geograpy, and about one fourth of the pupils are writing. The children and Parents see the necessity of an Education, and the children are striving hard to get it.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedt Servt
Geo W Graham
ASA Com Bu &c