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the colored children will meet with a great loss.

The School that was kept at River Side by the Rev. J. F. Clark has closed I suppose for good. Mr. Clark keeps up a Sunday School, and instructs the children Wednesdays in the after noon. 

A private school was kept at Mt. Laurel by a Mr. Hall for a while and that has closed.

The school on Mr. Sims Plantation kept by Virginia Neall is rather a poor appoligy for a school compared with those kept by the Misses Waldrons or Miss Townsend. Still there are about a dozen who are learning to read.

The School kept by Nathan Carlton is not what I should like to have it. he is an old man with no experience at School Teaching. Still the children are making good progress. And if I remain here I shall expect to make some arrangements to assist him so his school will not die like the one at Mt. Laurel. 

At Meadsville there is a building that can be rented for six dollars per month. And this is the first place where the white people favor a School among the colored, and they can do nothing to assist in the matter for they have all gone into bankruptcy. There is a lady who has had experience