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[Ed. Form No 5.]
MONTHLY REPORT of Schools, Teachers, Societies, Pupils, and Buildings, called for by Circular Letter of October 6, 1868, from Commissioner Bureau R., F., and A.L. State of Virginia, Month of March, 1869.
[Six Columned Table]
| Location of School. | Name of Teacher. | Under what patronage | No. Pupils.| No. Buildings.| Owner of Building.| 

| Dinwiddie Co |   |   |   |   |   |
| Petersburg No 1 | G.B. Cooke Principal. Miss Simpson, Mrs Mayes, Miss Peterson, Miss Gilliam | A. Miss. Assoc | 275 | 1 | Wm H Baxter |
| Petersburg No 2 | M.A. Hill, E.C. Browne | A. Miss. Assoc | 111 | 1 | Freedmen |
| Petersburg No 3 | Mrs M L Williams, Miss M Williams | A. Miss. Assoc | 112 | 1 | Freedmen |
| Petersburg No 4 | Mrs E.P. Elaur, Miss Emily Hatchell, Namen Smith & A. Aiken | A. Miss. Assoc | 193 | 1 | Freedmen |
| St. Stephens | Katie V Jennings, M.B. Merriam | P.E. Home Miss | 90 | 1 | Freedmen |
| Essex Co |   |   |   |   |   |
| Tappahanock | George E Stephens | P.B.F.U. Com | 44 | 1 | Wm Stone |
| Elizabeth City Co |   |   |   |   |   |
| Hampton Normal | P.A. Williams, R. Bacon, Stan Kinsley | American M. Assoc | 57 | 2 | A.M.A. |
| Hampton Normal Butler | H.E. Reed, V.S. Knowles | American M. Assoc | 123 | 1 | A.M.A. |
| Edwards Farm | A.L. Etheridge, M.E. Shirff | American M. Assoc | 39 | 1 | Wm Bartlitt |
| Edwards Farm Lincoln | Abbie Guild | American M. Assoc | 137 | 1 | Bureau RF&AL |

Asst Com, and Supt. Education