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Transcription: [00:02:21]
{SPEAKER name="Genevieve Stearns"}
But you can't know how far a sick child is from the normal unless you know where the normal is. And what the normal child does with what he gets. So, at the time we started that wasn't known so we had to start with the normal. And it is a very great help in helping the sick children get back to normal.
{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Well it's a little reassuring, isn't it, that there are normal children-
{SPEAKER name="Genevieve Stearns"}
Oh yes!
{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
In the American public- among the American people. I think sometimes if you hear about all the troubles that mothers, and doctors, and other have with children, you might get the idea there weren't very many normal children- there actually are a great many normal children.
{SPEAKER name="Genevieve Stearns"}
Oh yes.
{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
And, uh, the normal child- does the normal child nutritionally, and from a standpoint of physical condition, follow- pretty much- these tables that we read about, uh, that are issued or are those going to have to have some changes perhaps in the future?
{SPEAKER name="Genevieve Stearns"}
Well, uh, there's- the normal child is a very wide range. It isn't a single pattern child, and children are just as individual as we are. But you have to know how much any group of children will vary among themselves so that you have some sort of a guide as to how to go. But you can't fit all normal children into one pattern.
{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Well that's reassuring too.
{SPEAKER name="Genevieve Stearns"}
Uh huh.
{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
How many children do you think you've studied over this period of great matter?
{SPEAKER name="Genevieve Stearns"}
More than a hundred.
{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
More than a hundred?
{SPEAKER name="Genevieve Stearns"}
{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
With very detailed-
{SPEAKER name="Genevieve Stearns"}
{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Uh, control and recording of what they eat. When they go off and eat a lollipop, uh, do you know that?
{SPEAKER name="Genevieve Stearns"}
They don't. They don't go off and eat a lollipop because we're with them.
{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
{SPEAKER name="Genevieve Stearns"}
But we see that they have the same things that the average child has. They play, they have playthings, they have sports, they go to school, they have outdoor exercise. We keep them just as like-