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Transcription: [00:07:47]

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Science Fairs, Come to the national science fairs, they're all very well-rounded people.
They do engage in athletics, they're popular, and they really are carrying on a very well-rounded existence, and I think that's a very hopeful thing. Don't you, Doctor Drews?


{SPEAKER name="Elizabeth Drews"}
I do, and I've been interested in knowing what some of the things were that would produce these children, and whether we could do more to help more children to reach these levels.
Although I said our gifted children are coming now more from the common people, and maybe terminus group, where they largely came from high-level professional-managerial groups, now universal education is reaching down as Hilgard said once "forgetting more cream out of the skim milk"
but how could we get still more; are there things, for example, are these children coming from homes where there is a lot of intellectual stimulation? This is something we-some of our studies would seem to show that there are more books in the home
parents are more interested in learning than they are perhaps in owning a white Cadillac, or belonging to a country club, as the case might be that the values held are just a little different and that this may be one of the things that...


{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Well either that's got to be provided by the home, or in some cases, it's got to be provided by an extraordinary teacher, or a friendship with a practicing scientist.
For instance, in some cases, I remember the person who motivated a youngster to get into science was the local physician, in a relatively small town, where the physician is practically the only real scientist in the community.
You see, with it being a very small place. So it seems to me that that kind of substitute- it does happen, in many of the homes, the father and the mother have these intellectual interests, or can acquire them, or encourage the youngster to have them, but it seems to me that...
