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Transcription: [00:04:40]
{SPEAKER name="Robert R. Williams"}
three hours before they were almost in a dying condition, and go off peacefully to sleep.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Well, Dr. Williams, if we're, you know, practically free of these dietary diseases, or are we free of dietary diseases? Are there- is there any kind of disease that we have in this country that you'd like to call attention to?

{SPEAKER name="Robert R. Williams"}
There is very little nutritional disease due to any deficiency of any kind left in the United States now. Of course, cases of minor deficiency can be found, but, I mean to say that it is no longer a prevalent public health problem. Our biggest problem, our biggest nutritional problem, in this country today is obesity. Too much eating, which tends to put on weight and to imperil the heart especial, especially in the middle and later years of life. We don't know the cause of this too well, but we do know that it's too much food that is responsible for this particular difficulty.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Dr. Williams, that's not true, of course, in other parts of the world. There, other parts of the world are chronically underfed and they do have these deficiency diseases. Now you, I understand, have been working on the plan of putting thiamine into rice, which is one of the great staple foods of the world. In particularly in the Far East and India, and will you tell us about that? Is there a chance you can duplicate in these other countries what you've done here in banishing this dietar- this dietary disease of beriberi?

{SPEAKER name="Robert R. Williams"}
When we can actually effectuate programs of serial enrichment in other countries of the world, particularly those of Asia, we shall accomplish a hundredfold more than we have accomplished in the United States in the betterment of public health. Be