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|   | especially complained of. They charge enormous fees, and otherwise bring discredit on the Bureau. I would recommend an authentative public statement from the Asst Cmr concerning this matter at once, or on satisfactory information will take it in hand myself-  Seely Supt Sec p 17 1/2 |

| Bureau R F & A L HdQrs Sub Dist Beaufort N.C. Jan 16th 1866 Sillon Richard Capt & Asst Supt. Calls attention to the fact that the Authorities of Beaufort refuse to furnish either means to convey patients to the Small pox Hospital or coffins for the dead. Asks authority from the Supt Commander to levy a slated tax upon the the citizens of the town to preserve its sanitary condition | Jan 18th 1866 Respectfully referred to Col M McWheeler Comdg Dist New Berne with the request that if possible some such order as is now in force in New Berne concerning the Civil Government may be applied to Beaufort The exigency complained of ought to justify the most arbitrary course. If this cannot be done it is urqed Capt Sillon may receive the Authority he asks
Seely Supt 

| Bureau R F & A L Hd Qrs Sub Dist Beaufort NC Jan 13th 1866 Sillon Richard Capt 12th VRC & Asst Supt R F & A L
Applies for portion $50 of the $100 left in trust of the Supt of Negro Affairs for the Deft of Va & NC by Septus Chadwick Asst Lt Battery B2d US Cold Art'y for the benefit of his wife & children Recd Jan 15th 1866 | New Berne Jan 18th 1866 Respectfully referred to Col. Geo M Balloch Chf A & D Officer Bureau R F & A L for information as to how the sum required is to be procured. Seely Supt & Fin Agent
Returned by Col Balloch Chf A&D Officer
See page 18 |


| New Berne NC Jan 4th 1866 Chas C Clark & others
Petition that the property of Dr Saml Masters in New Berne in use by officers of the Bureau be turned over to him Raleigh Jan 9th 1866 Respectfully referred to Capt. L A Seely to know whether the within named property can be spared By command of Col. Whittlesey Asst Comr Beecher AAAG Recd Hd Qrs E Dist Jan 12 1866 | New Berne Jan 18th 1866 Respectfully returned. The property cannot be dispensed with the owner as a virulent, & unmitigated Rebel & by  common report a Sob  Capt James offered to give him his office & part of his house & $25 a month rent for the portion retained which was more than reasonable Dr Masters abandoned his property voluntarily after New Berne was in full possession of the US forces and apparently from no malice but hatred of the Yankees a hatred which he has never relaxed. If he could behave himself long enough to have an arrangment made it would have been done long ago. He does not deserve the slightest sympathy. Seely Supt |

| Jan 22 Rachel Jones by her attorney J.H. Jones, makes an application to the Col. Comdg. Dist New Berne for restoration of her property- 288 & 289 New Berne now occupied by Ann E Lawrence Referred by Col Wheeler to Supt E Dist NC for information & report | Jan 22
Respectfully returned to Col Wheeler Comdg District of New Berne. All control of this Bureau over the property in question terminated Sept 21 1865 when the order for its restoration was issued. We have no record of the name of Ann E. Lawrence as a tenant or of any other tenant of this property.
Seely Supt. |

Transcription Notes:
pair entry in left column with entry in right column, using 2 column format