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from the citizens of this place to inform Mr Newcomb that his presence in this place after this (Wednesday) night that his life would be in danger. And yet he told me that he did not see the use of having troops here. I do not know what sort of a fellow he is but think he is a little scary, or up to some mischief of his own. for I requested him to inform me who the persons were that requested him to notify Mr. Newcomb, and he refused to let me know, And if there is any trouble (though I hardly think they will dare to do any thing)I think that Mr Willey ought to be made to tell who the persons were Mr Newcomb was also notified by letter the same day that I arrived here, that his presence would not be any longer submitted to, I will send copies of the letter which he received and you can judge something of the sentiment of the people of this section
I have the honor to be very respectfully
Your obedient servant
Gen. Platts
2nd Lt. Act. Asst. Supt.
Sub. Dist. Elizabeth City