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Bureau of Refugees Freed. and Aban'd lands. 
Elizabeth City N.C. Feb. 20/66

Capt. F. A. Seeley
A.Q.M. and Supt. F.B. 
New Berne N.C.

I have the honor to report that I have in arrest one Henry Druin Freedman arrested and turned over to me by the civil authorities of this place, the said Freedman was arrested for stabbing a white man of this place afflicting a very dangerous wound in the abdomen. The Freedman is an ugly fellow and deserves punishing but I don't think he ought to be punished so severely as would most of the citizens make out that he deserves because I think the other man is some what to blame, and just as my men steped up to take charge of the prisiner some one fired a revolver at him and wounded him the Freedman in the neck, and I had to patrol the streets and send every man to their homes before I dared to bring the man out to take him to jail for fear that they would shoot him and I ordered my men if there was a shot fired at the man to return the shot, I stood or rather sat beside the man when they shot him through the window