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Bureau of Refugees - Freedmen and Aban'd Lands
Headquarters Sub. Dist. Elizabeth City 
Elizabeth City N.C. March 31st 1866

Capt F.A. Seely
A.Q.M. and Supt. E. Dist N.C.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Circular dated Hd Qrs E. Dist. N.C. New Berne N.C. March 23rd 1866, requesting Reports for clothing and sanitary stores and money received and issued, and as I having received no such stores did not deem it necessary to make a report of what little money I had received, but will explain the matter so you will understand it. I had on hand last month $10.00- money taken for Indentures and have taken $7.00 this month and paid $5.00 for transportation for some refugees who presented an order from Maj. Gen. O.O. Howard for the Quartermasters Dept. to furnish the bearer transportation 

After deducting the $5.00 leaves $13.00 on hand to be accounted for. I expect to be in New Berne before you get this. 

I have the honor to be very respectfully your obedt. Svt.
Gen Platts 2nd Lt. Act. Asst. Supt. F.B.