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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters, Eastern District of North Carolina,
New Berne, N. C., [[crossed out]] Sep. [[/crossed out]] Oct. 19th 1865.

To whom it may concern:
Martha Register having raised Harriot, a child now twelve (12) years old, from infancy, its mother having died while Harriot was an infant, She, said Marth, is hereby authorized to keep and have the child Harriot until the is of sufficient age to take care of herself.

Isaac A. Rosekrans
Capt. U.S.C. and 
Asst Supt. E. Dirt.

Washington N. C.
Jany 2nd 1866

The above named girl was indentured to a Mr. Grisl by Lieut Stark 

1st Lieut U. R. C
Asst. Supt F. B.