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Bureau of Refugees &c
Edenton N.C. Jan 29th 1866

Captain F A Seely
Supt Freedmen Eastern District

Enclosed please find 11 copies of Indenture for Chowan County

I shall to day settle the Labor in this County
and will give my time hereafter to Washington or 
some other county you may think best I have
received nothing from you for some time

I heard a rumor that you had assigned Perquimans
County to my Dist I hope so as I think I can
run it very smothly. the Last Plantation Labor
to settle in this County is Dr Thomas D Warren
who is giving his negroes the best chance of any
man in the county he furnishes them Land team
utensils, seed, and half of there food and gives
them one half they can raise, the Land is good and
good quarters the schools are in flourishing condition and things are running very smothly in  this county

hoping to hear from you soon I have the honor
to be Very Respectfully your Obedient Servant
Amos G Tennant
1st Lt & Asst Supt Freedmen