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Hd Qrs Sub Dist Edenton N C
May 18" 1866


Enclosed you will find reports form 1 & 2 I believe we shall be able to get alon very well in this sub dist At least the authorities assure me, they are willing to assist to the extent of their power. I would thank you if you will furnish me with the necessary books & some instructions for keeping the same as I have none nor can I get them I dont have a great deal of business to do but I want to keep some kind of a record even of that so that Gen Stedman &C. cant find fault with me on that subject

I have $40 00/ in hands for clothing will you allow me to keep it until I can come there which I want to about the 10 of June shall I report the clothing &C through you or direct to HdQr at Raleigh an early reply to this will oblige me. I am Sir Respt Your Obt Servant
Amos G Tennant
Lt & Asst Supt Freedmen

Maj F.A. Seely