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New Berne, N.C.

Petition of Ch's W. Smith and N.P. Bowman for remission of Gov't rent on a leased  plantation.

L.R. S 134
E.B. 276

Hd Qu'ts Eastern Dist
New Berne N.C.
Nov 20th 1865

Respectfully forwarded to Col. E. Whittlesey Asst Comr with the statement that Mr. Smith and Major Bowman the joint lesees of the govt on the Harrisons on Blackledge Plantation, which has been a cavalry camp during the larger part of the war, are persons who have warmly befriended the Freedmen and largely promoted their welfare. While they took their own risk as agriculturalists against drought the cotton-worm & frost, they could not have anticipated the depredations of the two regiments that were quartered upon their very cotton-field at a critical time with the growing crops. They had a right to expect Govt protection against an injury of this kind.

It would, I think, be establishing us inconvenient precedent, and be doing nothing more than justice to Messrs Smith & Bowman if one half their rental were remitted to them, in view of their losses by the 101st & 103 Pa Vols. on account of which they are unable to cover their expenses-

Horace James
Capt. & A.Q.M.
Sup't E. Dist.

Respectfully Your Obt. Servts.
Charles W. Smith
N. P. Bowman