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Report of Persons paid by Lieut. Birdsall on Roanoke Island.


[[3 Columned Table]]
--- | --- | ---
Britten Dempsey | Pd | 13 67
Bissell Calvin  | Pd | 7 --
Blunt Caleb | Pd | .50
Baker Charles | Pd | 14.66
Butt Randall | Pd | 3 50

Carraway Noah | Pd | 10 --
Cross Abram | Pd | 11 --
Cooper Clevland | Pd | 12 --
Caphart Harry | Pd | 10 --

Dixon Sterling | Pd | 1 66

Etheridge Emanuel | Pd | 16 33
Elliot Dick | Pd | 3 33
Ebron Jim | Pd | 2 05

Ferribee James  Pd | 33
Felton Stephen  Pd | 5 31

Hatch Leonard | Pd | 10 --
Harmon Jasper | Pd | 14 72
Harold Anthony | Pd | 19 42
Holliday Scott | Pd | 3 --
Hardy Perry | Pd | 1 50

Johnson Billy | Pd | 2 33

Lewis Charles 1st | Pd | 1 80
Lewis Charles 2d | Pd | 1 86
Law Peter | Pd |10 --
Lenox Wesley | Pd | 10 --
Lamb Lewis | 1st | Pd   5 --

Murden Peter | Pd | 13 18
Moose Simeon | Pd | 3 33
Marsh John | Pd | 5 --

Newby John | Pd | 1 33

Olmstead Job | Pd | 23.86

Poole Harry | Pd | 5.--