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Transcription: [00:02:12]
{SPEAKER name="Thomas M. Rivers"}
Only 34 million of these, however, have had all three shots. And it is necessary to have three shots, properly spaced, in order to get the full amount of protection.

{SPEAKER name="Thomas M. Rivers"}
That means, that 45 million people under 40 years of age have had no vaccine at all. And this is the sad part, 15 million of these are under 20 years of age. And that is a very susceptible group.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Well Dr. Rivers, you mentioned -- You didn't mention those over 40. Why is that? Are they less susceptible?

{SPEAKER name="Thomas M. Rivers"}
98% of paralysis occurs in people 40 and under, years of age. And for public health reasons, one has to cut off and the cut off has been at 40. That doesn't meant that those over 40, if they wish it, shouldn't take it.

{SPEAKER name="Thomas M. Rivers"}
Because we do know of people, and I know of a doctor who was 55 years old, who contracted the disease. So those over 40 who want it, may take it.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
But, actually, the very large number of people who haven't yet had the vaccine and, unlike the early days of the vaccine when parents were crying for it, it is available right now, isn't it?

{SPEAKER name="Thomas M. Rivers"}
There's a great abundance of it at the present time and people are not using it as they should.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Actually, some of the manufacturers, due to the expiration dates on the vaccine have had to destroy some.
{SPEAKER name="Thomas M. Rivers"}

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Well that's a rather shocking thing, isn't it?

{SPEAKER name="Thomas M. Rivers"}
It is, it is.
{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Well, under those circumstances, don't you think that during this month for the National Foundation's campaign, it'd be a wise thing for people to go to see their doctors and get these shots?

{SPEAKER name="Thomas M. Rivers"}
Well, the president's birthday is on the 30th of January. And I think that's a good date to remember, President Roosevelt's birthday is on the 30th of January.

{SPEAKER name="Thomas M. Rivers"}
And why don't all the people who have not received the vaccine make it a point to see the doctor before the 30th of January and get a shot.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Well that'd be a very good idea, Doctor, let's see if we can get that across.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
And, of course, while we're talking about this campaign month, I think we ought to explain that while the vaccine has been developed and you supervised, I believe, the production of this for the Foundation under a committee, the Salk Vaccine Committee.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
And you've been chairman of the Virus Research Committee of the national foundation since 1938, I believe, until you became medical director.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Well, under those circumstances, we ought to explain that there's a great deal to be done in this Polio field still. Even though there are this large number protected, a large number also unprotected.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
And under those circumstances, this March of Dimes is a very proper thing to have and the money that's being raised will be used for patient care, and there are a lot of them that still need a lot of care.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Also, which is equally important, more important for the future, it'll be used for research. It's going to be -- There's a great deal to be done in research yet, isn't there?

{SPEAKER name="Thomas M. Rivers"}
A great deal to be done in research on Polio and, as you know, we will broaden our field and include other viruses in research.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
What about, what are some of the other virus diseases, Dr. Rivers, some of those that will have to be tackled in the future.
