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Transcription: [00:11:06]
{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
What do you-- What else do you suggest with regard to amateur radio as they're doing a good deal in connection with civilian defense and definitely nearly every day they, they -- Large number of American amateurs talk with all sorts of people overseas at the ends of the earth. So--

{SPEAKER name="George W. Bailey"}
Yes, and-

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
[[crosstalk]] It's a fascinating field.

{SPEAKER name="George W. Bailey"}
That's true. Also, they're getting to be great deal of mobile radio, in other words, the chaps have stations in their cars.

{SPEAKER name="George W. Bailey"}
I know of 2 or 3 chaps here in New York who going home to work out going home from work to Long Island talk regularly with other countries like England and France and Germany and so forth.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Just while they're running along in their -- That's very amazing. I wanted to ask you, Mr. Bailey, isn't the future of electronics very inviting to young men and women?

{SPEAKER name="George W. Bailey"}
Yes, it is, Mr. Davis. If I were a young man or a young woman, I would most certainly go into electronics. It's possible to go into electronics in one of two ways.

{SPEAKER name="George W. Bailey"}
One is to go to a secondary school, so-called a school for technicians, in which you may get a diploma or degree in two years.

{SPEAKER name="George W. Bailey"}
But, if you can afford it, by all means go to college and get a degree in four years. But there is a tremendous future for technicians and there is a tremendous future for engineers.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Well, thank you very much, Mr. Bailey. Our "Adventures In Science" guest for today has been Mr. George W. Bailey, executive secretary of the Institute of Radio Engineers.



Transcription Notes:
After reviewing the transcription, everything appears to be in order. There are no errors that I have identified and I believe that this transcription is ready to be approved.